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Tom Fraser 0501, 05 August 21 The 21 MercedesAMG 5 S proves good things come in small packages What we love The unbelievable amount of MercedesAMG's 5S may have four decorative exhaust tips, but there's only one exhaust pipe behind them on each corner, while Audi's Description A new contender for the hot hatch crown has arrived, packing 415 horsepower and a 062 mph time of under 4 seconds the MercedesAMG 5 will be hard to beat Going head to head with the likes of the Audi RS3, Ford Focus RS and Volkswagen Golf R, the new 5 AMG has managed to top them all on the spec sheet
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There is a 21 Mercedes 5 AMG project in the making but there are a lot of things which are still not clear about it The pictures of the forthcoming car have recently emerged and we saw that a camouflaged vehicle is getting ready for a release, but there is a shroud of secrecy surrounding it still which does not tell us what it could possibly beAmg a45 amg 4マチックエディション1に実際に乗っているオーナーのレビューや口コミが満載。実燃費やエクステリア・インテリアに関する情報や、メンテナンス・カスタム方法が充実。amg a45 amg 4マチックエディション1の様々な情報がここに!日本最大級のクルマ情報サイト「みんカラ」 Mercedes 5 facelift revealed New front bumper and lights Upgraded infotainment system Likely to retain litre, 421hp engine Potential for mildhybrid tech On sale 22 Pricing around £55,000 A refreshed version of the MercedesAMG 5 looks to be on the way with lightly camouflaged prototypes spotted testing

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